"With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perserverance and petition for all the saints,"
Epehesians 6:18
We ask God’s healing graces upon:
(2025 online prayer requests, scroll down and submit online)
Finn Pattison (Healing)
Magda, David, and their children
Paul Pimental
Stephanie Sanders
James Aguilar, Tyler Allsopp, Nicholas N. Ball, Michael M. Barbieri, Nicholas Berlo, Kyle Blagg, Robert W. Crane, John R. David, James Delano, Christopher Doonan, Ayva Enos, Daniel Allen Enos, Morgan Enos, Cameron Evans, Matthew D. Furlong, John J. Healy, Kevin Higgins, Cory Kidd, Stephen F. Moran, Jill Mudge, Stephen E. Mudge, Ben Paronich, Brandon Pereira, Robert Peters, Joseph Pizzarella, Patrick Rafferty, Donald Reddington, Tabor Rossi, Ian Stayton Truitt, Gary Williams, Matthew Wood , Peter Brooks, Alex Carroll, Brian Connor, Jacob Cook, Brendan Dillon, Kevin Joseph Doherty, David D’Urso, Barbara Dustin, Paul Dustin, Christopher Feroli, Vincent Gillespie, Nicholas LaPlante Johnson, Joseph Kelleher, Michael Kelley, Christopher LeBouvier, Michael Lilleberg, James Linnehan, Peter E. Manning, Anthony Russo, Dalton Sears, Nathaniel Sexton, David Sjostedt, Zeke Sjostedt, Jonathan Stack, Kyle Sullivan, Michael Vitra, Daniel Sullivan, Ryan Curtis, Michael Grieco, Nick Brewster, Jake Bearne, Nicholas Beasne