Overnights of Hospitality
Volunteer Evening Chaperone Guidelines
● If an emergency arises which prevents volunteer from serving, which includes being unwell, the volunteer should immediately contact Connie by calling or texting 508.367.0516.
● The staff person(s) of Father Bill’s /Mainspring (FBMS) are in charge each night. Introduce yourself and review the guest guidelines located in the host site binder.
o This includes all decisions made about guest behavior and medical clearance.
● There will be three shifts of FBMS staff: 4 PM-12 AM, 11 PM-7 AM, and 12-8 AM.
● The FBMS staff will be awake throughout the night.
● Saturday, Sunday and holiday evenings only, the chaperone’s shift starts at 5 PM at the host site, because policy requires two people during registration and screening. Monday through Friday there are two FBMS staff on site during the 5-6PM screening period.
● The shift (weekdays) for the volunteer chaperone will now be 6 PM until 11 PM or until the second FBMS staff person arrives to cover from 11PM – 7 AM. The volunteer chaperone does not need to stay overnight unless she/he chooses to do so.
● Any issues that arise during the evening should be discussed with the FBMS staff person, who will make the decision about how the problem is handled. When an emergency occurs, call 911, using shelter landline.
o This includes any guest who may be asked to leave the shelter
due to safety concerns or who needs medical assistance
● If there is a blood or bodily fluid spill, refer to the FBMS staff person who will follow OSHA guidelines for cleaning. An OSHA approved cleanup and First Aid kit will be at each site.
● Anyone who arrives at the shelter after the registration time (5:00-5:45 PM) must meet with FBMS staff person before a decision is made whether or not to register and admit that individual to the shelter.
o Exceptions would be guests who have late entry that is pre-
arranged for work schedules, dropped off by the police, or sent
from the hospital.
● Guests are expected to arrive at the host site between 5 PM and 5:45 PM but no earlier than 5 PM and remain at the shelter site until 7 AM, unless prior approval to leave earlier has been made. Notify the FBMS staff person if a guest arrives after 5:45 PM or leaves before 7 AM.
● Chores will be assigned by the FBMS staff person which may include disinfecting mats, wiping tables, cleaning bathrooms and emptying trash. You may be asked to help supervise these tasks.
● The volunteer chaperone may be asked to assist in serving the evening meal. (See Meal Preparer Guidelines located in host site binder.)
● During smoke breaks which the FBMS staff person will supervise, the volunteer chaperone will supervise those guests who remain inside to ensure that they stay in the designated areas.
● Should a guest have a need to go outside in addition to the scheduled smoke break, the FBMS staff person may ask a volunteer chaperone to accompany that person.
● Do not give money to guests. If asked to do so, report to FBMS staff person.
● FBMS staff person check to see that the bathrooms are cleaned before leaving.
● We encourage volunteers to share the meal and visit with our guests during dinner (while maintaining social distance), and before lights-out. Our guests have a lot to share. We have a lot to learn!
● Chaperones are asked to avoid alcohol consumption on the day they are volunteering.
● All of us appreciate your offering yourself and your time to help those who find themselves unhoused. Your presence could be the key that helps move someone forward!
Overnights of Hospitality Program Coordinator
Connie Melahoures
Site Coordinators
First Baptist: Ray Tompkins – 508-496-4957
Christ Church: Lisa Meserve – 720-480-2711
St. Mary’s: Paul Key – 617-306-8949
Revised 11/4/21